KM Stone 117 , Mathura-Delhi NH-19, Semari Chhata , Mathura (UP) +91-96900-01628
Message From Chairperson

Mrs. Sudha Sharma

Dear Students,

Our endeavor is to impart job-oriented and value based education, which will not only pave the way for bright future but also prove an asset to you so that you may serve the nation efficiently. As the chairpersons of the SJB Educational Group I will leave no stone unturned to make SJB Educational group a most viable and most sought-after place for the students pursuing higher education.

“We march along with you for your victory” Mrs. Sudha Sharma

Message From Vice President
Dear Students,

Make your own way through indigenously discovered avenues .Things do not necessarily go your way. Feel through the obstacles which you happen to confront on your way to success. For it is the impediments, utmost effort and extreme exertion that make a success taste sweeter. Keep a vigil on yourself and see to it that you do not behave with others the way you do not want to be behaved. Share with others the experience you have unsparingly culled during you journey and inspire them to delicately gather their own experience and pave new pathways which coming generations may use to take this dynamic humanity ahead.

“Wishing you a bright future.” Mr. Suresh Chand Kaushik

Vice President

Mr. Suresh Chand Kaushik

Message From Secretary

Mr. Nand Kishor Upmanyu

Dear Students,

Education can’t stop at teaching and learning in class rooms. Young professionals need opportunity to put their knowledge into practice. That’s my firm belief and there’s no room for empty promises. We strive to create a learning environment where you unfold your potential and closely interact with the practitioners from the industry. We develop analytical skills, creativity, and innovativeness and impart the best and latest knowledge, so that you can meet all the future challenges. We aim at developing the overall personality through multifarious activities so that you can deliver the best.

“With best wishes.” Mr. Nand Kishor Upmanyu

Message From Director (Admin)
Dear Students,

Welcome to the enthrallingly thrilling world of knowledge, a gateway to the land of myriad hues that will surely illuminate the path you propose to tread on. Be it humanities, science, commerce, education Business, management, computers or law each stream opens up for you whole new vistas that take you to the new heights. Let this new beginning mark the end of all your old imperfections and inhibitions. With the world scenario changing fast, not only in terms of technology but also in terms of values and ethos, it is highly imperative for one to have foresight and an infallible sense of anticipation in order to keep himself abreast of time. SJB Educational Group is committed to imparting knowledge and developing skills most congruent to the varying needs of the times, thereby, preparing highly motivated, dedicated and innovative minds to lead India into a realm where everybody is superior to others but nobody is inferior to anybody. We seek to make education easily accessible and affordable. Besides inculcating core values such as honesty, compassion, tolerance and humanity etc, we hope to instill in you a yearning for learning. I hope, you will reciprocate our endeavour.

“Wishing you all success in life.” Mr. Girdhari Lai Sharma

Director (Admin)

Mr. Girdhari Lai Sharma

Message From Treasurer

Mr. Raj Kumar Sharma

Dear Students,

Education enhances the levels of prosperity of people and removes the darkness of ignorance. Shree Jee Baba Institute makes sustained efforts for the spread of education. It is education only which can eradicate most of the evils prevailing our society. We are living in a world of changing values and paradigms. At times discretion gets blurred in such a fast moving world. We at SJB, are trying to prepare human beings who do not get confused. Come, be a part of this unique endeavour.

“Wishing you a bright future.” Mr. Raj Kumar Sharma

Message From Dy. Secretary
Dear Students,

Education is the ability to meet life situations. With resistance and diligence laced with knowledge and intellect, one can soar to any extent one desires. The thrust of education at Shree Jee Baba Institute is not only to produce mere degree holders but the bright young men and women equipped enough to foray into the world with an all round development of personality. Our vision of the institutions is to impart quality education in all core disciplines of knowledge by developing global leaders who are confident, smart, intelligent and gifted. With best infrastructure, techno-sawy ambience, latest gadgets to equip one to stride with competitive fervour, ever increasing new job oriented courses, career-counseling and highly enthused qualified teachers - we earnestly endeavour to help you in realizing your dreams and make you better human beings.

“Wish you all the success.” Mr. Madhusudan Goswami

Dy. Secretary

Mr. Madhusudan Goswami